NACPC President Dave Manning Appointed to ATA Leadership Position
We’re excited to announce that our President – Dave Manning – has been appointed to 2nd Vice Chairman with the American Trucking Associations! We recently sat down with Manning to discuss this honor and talk about what it means to him.
This is quite the acknowledgement of your commitment to the trucking industry. What excites you about your appointment?
“It is a tremendous honor to be elected to serve in a leadership capacity at ATA. Not many people have the chance to serve as Chairman of this influential organization and I am humbled that my peers have elected me to serve in this role. Trucking is a people business and in this role I have the opportunity to travel throughout the country speaking to my fellow motor carriers about what ATA is accomplishing on their behalf. [My wife] Betsy and I have already met a lot of great people and look forward to the many more that we will meet in the coming years. It is also exciting to be a part of the leadership team that will be responsible for selecting and nurturing the transition of a new CEO of ATA.”
It sounds like this type of industry participation – outside of the office – is very fulfilling to you. Tell us: What do you admire most about ATA? How is this organization moving the industry forward?
“ATA is the voice for our industry at the national level. Without the ATA representing our industry before Congress and the Regulatory Agencies, trucking would have no voice regarding the laws and regulations that impact our industry. I admire the platform from which ATA advocates for our industry. ATA promotes that trucking is safe – reducing fatal accidents by -40% over the last decade. Trucking is essential – handling 70% of the nations tonnage and the sole transportation provider to many communities. And trucking is sustainable (green) – having invested billions of dollars over the last decade effectively turning our trucks into air cleaners.”
What does your path with ATA look like in the future?
“This is my 4th year serving as an officer of ATA. Three years as a Vice Chairman and this year as 2nd Vice Chairman. There are 4 more years of service required. One as 1st Vice Chair, one as Chairman, one as Chair of the Executive Committee and one as Chair of the Nominating Committee. So, as you can see, it is a significant commitment of time – but one that I enjoy deeply given my commitment to this industry.”