The user confirms that they have selected NACPC as their chassis provider of choice (IEP) in the Pools of Choice noted below. This is used to assign chassis use to the selected IEP. All use in the below-selected pools will be assigned to the chosen IEP.
Yes, I have selected NACPC as my chassis provider in the Pools of Choice noted below.
The user requests the following Shared Chassis Pool locations (select one or multiple):
Memphis Pool of Choice – MPOC Current Cost Per Use Day 20,40, 40/45 $22.00Kansas City Pool of Choice – KPOC Current Cost Per Use Day 20,40, 40/45 $22.00 KPOC 20/40 Combo Spread Axle (tandem) $36Alabama Pool of Choice – APOC Current Cost Per Use Day 20,40, 40/45 $22.00
Your First and Last Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Your SCAC Code
Your message (optional)
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